A Nice Surprise

A Nice Surprise in Rauma

I was delighted to receive my print copies of "The Paintings of Rauma" a couple of days ago. I was even more happy to see this copy sitting on the table in another house on my visit. Actually this was the first print copy ever and I enjoyed dedicating it to its new owners.

I am currently busy on the sequel but have found some time to write a few more short stories in between. I will introduce these over the coming weeks. I enjoyed writing a couple of them so much that I may write some follow-on stories to provide either a series or a collection. Sometimes, when you start off with a blank sheet of paper, you never know what might happen!

Here are a couple of them...now on amazon at:

Some of My New books on amazon

I am writing an average of around 1000 words a day at the moment and its fun experimenting with different styles and content. For example, most books are written in the past tense, including mine, however, I have recently tried the present tense. Also, a story which addresses the reader directly is an interesting change. If you have the chance to read them, I would appreciate any feedback.

On and a sneak preview into my writing this week, sees Jussi kayaking in Helsinki, together with a new flame. Let's see what might be discovered and what challenges lie ahead!

I wish you a great week ahead! 

Best wishes
