Summer in Rauma

Summer in Rauma

Poroholma Beach Resort

Yes, this is in Rauma - not Spain, not Italy and not even Portugal!

I've been on vacation recently so I've been enjoying the area's delights this year. The summer here has been a warm one so far, and if there's one thing that people around here love to do - it's to be in the water. Rauma folk have traditionally been nautical, reflected in the number of boats moored in the harbour. They also enjoy freshwater, and many have a cottage on one of the lakes around here. 

This was a view that I've enjoyed many times this summer:

View from the Pier

Another thing that summer brings, is relaxation - and occasionally, some time to write 😀

I've been working on the forthcoming book: Ghosts of Rauma, and in Finnish: Aaveiden Rauma, with my co-writer, Saana. It's coming along really nicely too. It's packed full of ghost stories and also contains some fascinating history about some of Rauma's significant buildings. Due to be published in October, it's already available for pre-order: Ghosts of Rauma. I can't wait to see it on the shelves of the bookstores in Finland.

Next, I sat down to do a quick writer's sprint the other day, and a couple of thousand words flowed out. It started as an idea and then suddenly turned into the start of a new story. That one will sit until the next writer's sprint, though, as things are still quite busy with ghosts. 

Ever tried doing a writing sprint? It can be very creative. Just shut yourself away with a laptop or a notebook and write whatever comes into your head, for as much time as you have. I've started doing thirty minutes once in a while and will share one here every now and then. It's great to let the ideas flow - some might be used, some might not, let's see!

Also, it's been nice to see my latest book: The Heat of Havana, starting to gain traction with readers. It's the third book in the series so it contains strong links with the previous ones. It also has more than its fair share of surprises and definitely holds the most action of the three adventures. I hope you get the opportunity to read it. 

The Heat of the Havana

Talking of opportunity, I should also remind that in addition to being. available in print and on kindle, the Jussi Alonen Detective novels are all available on Kindle Unlimited. So, if you have it - you can read this series as part of your Amazon subscription. 

Finally, I had a couple of hours free during my vacation so started to write a few pages about Jussi Alonen's next adventure. I really enjoyed writing about Jussi again, as I know him quite well now. Let's see what happens in his fourth adventure - coming in 2022!

I hope that your summer is going well and you are okay in these challenging times. And, whatever you're reading, I hope you enjoy it.

If it's one of my books, enjoy the mystery! 

Best wishes John