The Ghost of Rauma

The Ghost of Rauma

A couple of weeks ago, I was privileged to participate in a tour of the old town of Rauma. Our guide Kairi Rintanen mentioned a couple of incidents that had taken place. Inspired by these and these wonderful old buildings, I put a pen to paper.

The "Ghost of Rauma" is a story about Helena, an Artist in Residence who lives and works at the old Art Museum of Rauma. Strange happenings begin one night and she eventually encounters her unusual visitor. I enjoyed writing this story one evening...and I couldn't stop! in fact I finished it in the following early hours. I have since heard about more stories and witness accounts, so you can count on a few more ghost stories set in the old town of Rauma.

The photograph above is a much older one than is on the cover of the Short Story. I came across this by chance and had to put it on this blog as it somehow looks spookier than the one that I used.

If you want to read the story, it is available via the amazon link below.

Oh by the may be better not to read it before bedtime.

And if you ever want a tour of beautiful old town of Rauma, contact Kairi on:

Best wishes