The Paintings of Rauma

The Paintings of Rauma

I really enjoyed writing "The Paintings of Rauma."

To write about the beautiful city of Rauma in itself is a pleasure, as it is a really unique and picturesque place.

The book includes visits of key characters to other places in Finland including: Helsinki; Närpiö and Eura. In addition it takes the reader on adventures to other countries in which I have spent time, including: Sweden, Singapore, St Lucia, Jamaica and Russia.

You may notice that the front cover of the book is taken from the picture above, which I shot in December 2019. The old building is the Museum (previously Town Hall) where the adventure all started for Jussi on that fateful night in winter. 

The mystery starts when Jussi, a local Police Officer is walking through the city of Rauma, alone with his thoughts. Something happens which begins an international crime thriller involving "The Paintings of Rauma." The story involves a treasure hunt, theft, kidnapping, murder, double-cross and passion. Jussi never dream't that being a Police Officer in Rauma could be like this!

If you haven't yet read the book and would like to do so, you can access it from the amazon link below (Digital, Paperback and Kindle Unlimited). You can also find it available in the amazon sites where you prefer to shop.

Please do leave feedback on amazon and also comment on here if you have a moment. I would love to hear from you. Thank you!

I do hope that you enjoy reading the book as much as I enjoyed writing it!

Best wishes